I think we all agree it has been a challenging year so far. Between the COVID-19 pandemic that shut down the world, protests against racial injustice in all 50 states, unprecedented unemployment, and the threat of economic collapse, our world is changing. It's left me thinking … [Read more...]
How bad do you want it?
Sometimes we have to say NO to something in order to say YES to what we really want. In the coaching and personal development field, we often here, “you can have it all”. And although I agree with that statement, the question I ask is do you really want it all, and if so, … [Read more...]
Forgiveness: How to find freedom and power again.
Forgiveness can seem daunting when we feel hurt, victimized, violated, or betrayed, especially when the damage can’t be undone. When in pain, it’s often hard to imagine forgiveness, let alone freedom from the pain. How can we ever forgive those who have hurt us so deeply, or … [Read more...]
Healing Shame and Reclaiming Self-Worth
We live in a shame based culture. It permeates everything around us and it's one of the biggest obstacles to authentic self-love. However, shame is a topic people typically don’t like to talk about, or admit to themselves or others. Yet, the only way to heal shame is by … [Read more...]
What is Self-Love?
What does it mean to love yourself unconditionally? Further, why is it important? For many, the topic of self-love seems narcissistic, selfish, or ego-centric. For others, it may evoke warm and fuzzy feelings of indulgence or luxury, like getting a massage, … [Read more...]