Anxiety is on the rise. With all of the fear and uncertainty in our world today, it's not surprising. As as result, many people are looking for tools and strategies to find relief. In fact, it's a topic I'm asked about every week. Therefore, I thought it'd be helpful to offer a … [Read more...]
How to Work with Fear to Reclaim Your Power
In the current pandemic of COVID-19, it feels as if we're all being asked to face our greatest fears….fear of scarcity and lack, change and loss, illness and death. No more running, no more hiding. There is no avoiding it, because COVID-19 will impact us all in some way. … [Read more...]
The True Nature of Healing – A Personal Story
Healing is a journey we all face eventually. We can try to deny or avoid it, but the call to heal isn’t something we can ever truly escape. Further, it’s not something that can be found in a quick fix, pill, or in one simple method. I know that may trigger some of you, but please … [Read more...]
The Path to Happiness
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Howard Thurman No matter what your desires or goals are in life, I bet if we unpack them, under each one is a desire for greater … [Read more...]
What is Self-Love?
What does it mean to love yourself unconditionally? Further, why is it important? For many, the topic of self-love seems narcissistic, selfish, or ego-centric. For others, it may evoke warm and fuzzy feelings of indulgence or luxury, like getting a massage, … [Read more...]