Chaos and uncertainty feel like the primary themes of 2020 so far, perhaps followed by secondary themes of loss, lessons, and change. Anyone else ready to jump ahead to 2021? I know it’s been a tough year so far, yet there is also an opportunity in all of the … [Read more...]
Finding Your Power When Things Fall Apart
Have you ever felt like things are falling apart? I'm referring to the major events that dismantle the very structures that you've come to depend upon in your life. These can include divorce, job loss, health or financial crisis, or any significant change that alters the course … [Read more...]
How to Heal Emotional Pain
Emotions fuel our lives, and our choices, whether we realize it or not. Often, we make choices based on what we think will make use feel good, even if just for a moment. Meanwhile, we do our best to avoid pain as much as possible, especially emotional pain. Yet, this drive … [Read more...]
Radical Self-Care and Transformation
Is it just me, or has 2019 been an intense year of change and transformation so far? I'm talking about the kind of change that's messy, chaotic, and full of ups and downs. Personally, I've decided to make this a year of radical self-care, and I invite you to do the same. This is … [Read more...]
The Path to Happiness
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Howard Thurman No matter what your desires or goals are in life, I bet if we unpack them, under each one is a desire for greater … [Read more...]