I think we all agree it has been a challenging year so far. Between the COVID-19 pandemic that shut down the world, protests against racial injustice in all 50 states, unprecedented unemployment, and the threat of economic collapse, our world is changing. It's left me thinking … [Read more...]
How to have difficult conversations with those you love
Healthy relationships require good communication, and the ability to have difficult conversations in a proactive and productive way. Unfortunately, I often see people avoiding the difficult conversations out of fear….fear of the other person’s response, fear of conflict, or fear … [Read more...]
Self-Empowerment: The Truth No One Talks About
Power and self-empowerment are hot topics in the self-help, personal development, and coaching world - especially since the rise of books like The Secret. We hear phrases like, “own your power”, “you have the power to create your destiny”, and/or “take your power back” … [Read more...]
Grief and COVID-19
As we enter month two of COVID-19 quarantine, don't be surprised if you start to feel grief emerge. If you’re at all like me, a highly sensitive soul, you’ve already felt it coming, like a tidal wave about to crash the shore. And if you have children, I bet they're feeling it … [Read more...]
How to Work with Fear to Reclaim Your Power
In the current pandemic of COVID-19, it feels as if we're all being asked to face our greatest fears….fear of scarcity and lack, change and loss, illness and death. No more running, no more hiding. There is no avoiding it, because COVID-19 will impact us all in some way. … [Read more...]